‘A wacky, surreal, and technicolor intergalactic joyride, Space Pickle will keep you turning the pages, laughing.’

— Terry Fallis, award-winning author, No Relation

‘Robin Sun is one funny guy. I loved this book.'

—Michael Kenyon, A Year at River Mountain

‘A wacky, surreal, and technicolor intergalactic joyride, Space Pickle will keep you turning the pages, laughing.’

— Terry Fallis, award-winning author, No Relation

‘Robin Sun is one funny guy. I loved this book.'

—Michael Kenyon, A Year at River Mountain


So says OFPM (The Organization For the Preservation of Man) in this hilarious novel about six off beat characters and a skunk on board a broken down rocketship. Robin Sun, ex-Yukon hermit and Star Trek alien has come up with Space Pickle, the zaniest novel to splash down in light years.

‘A wacky, surreal, and technicolor intergalactic joyride, Space Pickle will keep you turning the pages, laughing.’

— Terry Fallis, award-winning author, No Relation

‘Robin Sun is one funny guy. I loved this book.'

—Michael Kenyon, A Year at River Mountain

Comedy novel SPACE PICKLE is the first in a series of six


So says OFPM (The Organization For the Preservation of Man) In this hilarious novel about six off beat characters and a skunk on board a broken down rocketship. Robin Sun, ex-Yukon hermit and Star Trek alien has come up with Space Pickle, the zaniest novel to splash down in light years.

Robin Sun

Robin 17, hillbilly dude – narration
Robin – dialogue
Sandy 17, blonde chick
Heather 28, sociologist
Wilbur 30, African-American captain
Francis 27, gay computer specialist
Boris 47, slob scientist

REPORTER ‘You’re in for a good time, folks, he’s here in person’
ROBIN ‘Who?’
REPORTER ‘Why Robin Rooster, the 17-year-old hillbilly hero of the spaceship that got lost’
ROBIN ‘Oh, me’
‘Yes, what happened, your engines broke down?’
‘Yeah, and we got hijacked by wacky aliens’
‘Aliens! What did they look like?’
‘Yeller-green ones, with big lips and big bellies’
‘You’re payin me good for this, right?’
‘A load’
‘OK. I’ll give ya the real inside story. This world survival organization shot six ordinary folk strangers into space as a experiment. In the crew was Sandy, 17 like I is cute like me’
‘Ha ha Robin’
‘Blonde with a few freckles. Francis is a computer specialist, 30 and gay as a goose. I had m’hands full”
‘He liked you?’
‘He was after me like a pack’a hounds after a one-legged chicken’
‘Ha ha!’
“There was Bors, ’bout 50, from zee old cavountry, our scientist who ain’t nuts ’bout gooses. Heather’s 30, our soc’ologist, who Wilbut the black captain, a couple years older, had the hots for. M’pet skunk, Flower Butt, filled out the crew’
‘What a mix’
‘Sure was. We had lots’a com’cal conversations in the spaceship round the kitchen table, with a billion stars through the glass walls and ceilin. The ship had art’ficial gravity, a real homey atmosphere, orange polka dot curtains, pot plants . . . ’
‘Pot plants?’
‘Yup. One time I was workin on a crossword puzzle, looked up and asked
‘Gimme a four-letter word that rhymes with truck’
‘I’ve got one’ said Sandy
‘It’s gotta be clean’
‘Suck’ said Francis
‘It’s gotta be clean’
‘Suck is clean. You suck on lemons. This movie sucks’
‘Doesn’t work.’
‘Muck’ said Sandy
‘Gotta be clean’
‘How about fuck?’
‘Boris!’ said Heather
‘Vas only vord left’
‘I’ve got it’ said Sandy smilin round ‘Duck!’
‘Good one. . . Works’
Heather and Sandy hi fived
‘Give the lady a prize’’
‘I rub her nipples’
‘Boris, what is wrong with you!’ ’sclaimed Heather
‘Horny. Been long time’
‘Control yourself’
‘I try’

I opened up m’Book of Fantastic Facts
‘There is thirteen towns in the ole USA called Pleasantville’
‘Pleasant fact’ said Francis
‘I’m pleasantly satisfied with this information’ added Heather
‘And you’ll grow to be a toothless pleasantly plump hag’ went Wilbur
‘Would you still like me?’ Heather batted her eyes
‘Of course!’ Wilbur put his hand to the side’a his mouth and said low ‘not’ Heather kicked him
‘What a pleasant couple’ I said
‘No more this pleasant . . . . sick of it’ said Boris
‘What an upleasant fellow’ said Francis
‘Chew me’
‘Got money . . . Lots? he paused ‘I mean real lots’
‘Bite me too’
‘Oh, pleasant you’
‘Yaw? Pleasant you too . . . . . . Cvreep!’
‘Just go pleasant yourself’
‘Go double pleasant you’
‘OK GUYS, ACT LIKE MEN’ went Wilbur
‘He started’ said Francis
‘He no man’
‘We’ve got to get through this together’ added Wilbur
‘He no together’
‘Robin said the F-word’
REPORTER ‘Wacky. So how did it happen? I mean, how did you get chosen?
ROBIN It started in a park in the city . . .

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Funny Audios

Start of Space Pickle

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Interview - Hollywood Movie (funny)​

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